Proposal and concept development - our case studies

Developing a blended finance programme strategy on behalf of TNC and YKAN (Indonesia)

The Nature Conservancy (TNC)’s Indonesian partner Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) has been a critical player in conserving Indonesia’s coral reefs over the last 30 years. In recent years, they have been looking to leverage private financing to support their conservation activities. TNC and YKAN asked our team to help develop a programme strategy and apply for funding from The Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR), a blended finance instrument that mobilises resources to help protect the most important coral reef ecosystems globally.

The Solution 

Terranomics worked with local consultants and the TNC and YKAN teams to understand the underlying drivers of coral reef degradation in three important locations (in the coral reef triangle) in Indonesia. Our team conducted extensive stakeholder outreach to identify opportunities to implement innovative financial mechanisms. These include:

  • A Coral Reef Funding Facility for restorative aquaculture, seaweed, and shrimp smallholder farming models, ecotourism, and waste management;

  • Mangrove and seagrass blue carbon projects;

  • MPA self-financing models;

  • Certified coral reef fisheries, and;

  • Reef insurance mechanisms.

With our support, YKAN successfully secured GFCR board approval for the KORALESTARI programme.

Client feedback

‘Terranomics has played a pivotal role in designing the strategy of our blue economy blended finance programme, which has been approved by the Global Fund for Coral Reefs. The Terranomics team carried out stakeholder engagement and strategy development with professionalism and high integrity.’  - Muhammad Ilman, Oceans Program Director, Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN).

GEF grant for establishing the taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

The world’s natural capital is in sharp decline, as documented by the UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) report in 2019. A key factor behind this is the unhindered flow of capital into activities that degrade natural capital without market recognition of both negative and positive externalities.

To address this, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and other partners sought funding from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) to support the establishment of a Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) that would develop and operationalise a standardised global framework for assessing and reporting the dependencies and impacts of corporations and investors on nature.

The Solution 

WWF recruited Terranomics to provide technical expertise and lead the development of a full GEF funding proposal for the implementation of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

The proposal was successfully approved by the GEF, leading to the mobilisation of USD 7 million in funding support for the WWF, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and other partners in implementing the TNFD.

The TNFD has become one of the most credible and widely supported frameworks for addressing business impacts on natural capital, and has been endorsed by the G7 Finance Ministers. It seeks to have a similar impact to its predecessor, the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which has resulted in mandatory climate disclosure requirements for the financial and corporate sectors across the globe.